/ Weeks
625 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, Vic 3122
这套豪华公寓地理位置优越,家门口就是充满活力的 Glenferrie 路,从热门咖啡馆、高级餐厅到特色商店、超市、影院、Hawthorn 火车站、私立学校、斯威本大学、有轨电车和火车站,应有尽有。
-厨房设施齐全,橱柜空间充足,配备了包括一体式洗碗机在内的 Miele 电器
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Please confirm the following information to help you match the most suitable apartment
triple room
Starting period 52 Weeks
From 2023-11-16
Estimated Move In Date
Estimated Move Out Date
Passport - first name
Passport - last name
Telephone number
Email Address
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Full name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
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(modem not included)
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(+86) 15156013270